Chen Tai Chi Chuan
Cultivate Mind and Spirit - Traditional Chinese Martial Arts - Stress Relief
Weekly Classes - Private Group Sessions
Northern England - Stockport - Wednesday 7pm
First Session FREE
First Session FREE ⋆
Tai Chi Chuan (Grand Ultimate Fist) has long been treasured by the Chinese people as a way to preserve and promote excellent health and longevity. Modern research has also shown a wide variety of health benefits when practising Tai Chi, including better cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, living longer, reduced risk of falling and of developing a variety of chronic diseases.
Practice this style for:
Martial skills in the long-term
Long-term health and wellbeing
Cultivation of mind and spirit
Class summary:
Format: technique practice, forms practice, self-defence applications
Physical intensity: Low-Medium, can be practised with different levels of intensity to suit the student
Progression through learning gates to access a wider range of techniques from basic to intermediate to advanced
Not a graded syllabus
Which Little Nine Heaven UK Schools:
Struggling to find time to attend regular classes? Too busy with work?
Why not consider studying in an intensive training course and self study between courses in your own time. Learn the whole Chen Tai Chi syllabus in a structured program to suit your time frame. There are no ranks available in Chen Tai Chi, but a certificate of course completion will be awarded to students after satisfactory completion of the Level 3 Advanced Training course.
Level 1 Basic Training course
First Form instruction (sections 1-7), Stance training, Posture training, appropriate fighting applications and 5 Chi-Kung exercises routine.
Course 1 weekend (4 Days) 4 hours per day.
Level 2 Intermediate Training course
Full review and correction of First Form (sections 1-7), First Form instruction (sections 8-10), single and double hand push hands exercises, appropriate fighting applications, Standing meditation and Taoist breathing training.
Course 1 weekend (4 Days) 4 hours per day.
Level 3 Advanced Training course
Full review and correction of First Form (sections 1-10) , First Form instruction (sections 11-13), appropriate fighting applications, Chen style two man push hands exercise, 25 Tien Gunn (Celestial Stem) exercises for health and fighting applications. Full review of all syllabus with emphasis on students own requirements. DVD recording of students own first form for self-analysis. Certificate of completion.
Course 1 weekend (4 Days) 4 hours per day.
For training costs and bespoke package options feel free to contact for further information. Intensive courses do not include food or accommodation.
All private lessons and Intensive courses are taught at the fully equipped Little Nine Heaven UK School by qualified and insured instructors. Private instruction at other venues may incur travel and accommodation costs.
Chen Tai Chi Chuan Syllabus and Training Programme
Tai Chi Chuan (Grand Ultimate Fist) has long been treasured by the Chinese people as a way to preserve and promote excellent health and longevity. Modern research has also shown a wide variety of health benefits when practising Tai Chi, including better cardiovascular fitness, weight loss, living longer, reduced risk of falling and of developing a variety of chronic diseases.
The Chen style of Tai Chi is the oldest and parent form of the five main Tai Chi Chuan styles practised today. It is characterised by its lower stances, more explicit ‘silk reeling’ (Chan Su Chin) and bursts of power (Fa Jin). The origin and nature of Chen Style Tai Chi is not historically verifiable, until around the 1600s when the Chen clan of Chenjiagou (Chen Village), Henan province, China, appeared and was identified as possessing a unique martial arts system. It is from this style that the other four modern orthodox family styles of Tai Chi still practised today can be traced.
Understanding Chen Tai Chi can only be accomplished through constant practice. According to Chen Fa-ke - the styles 17th Generation Grandmaster - those learning Tai Chi must not only appreciate the theories intellectually, they must also train the methods into their body. How much you accomplish depends entirely on how much effort you put in. Chen Tai Chi requires the body to be used in a unique, disciplined way and has wide ranging training methods, including standing exercises, single movement exercises, empty-handed forms, push hands and weapons. Each method, from standing exercises to advanced push hands drills, are interconnected and all are necessary as part of the overall development of the practitioner.
Chen Tai Chi Training
In the beginning, when learning the 'First Form', students should seek to standardise movements as much as possible. Basic requirements for each part of the body have practical implications for maintaining good health, maximising movement efficiency, increasing chi and blood circulation and heightening the martial effectiveness of each technique. Emphasis is upon the first form as the foundation.
The form's slow nature allows the practitioner to pay attention to detail, make certain that postures are precise, test stability and balance during movement, and enhance lower body strength. The student will become more conscious of the circulation of Chi throughout their body and come to understand the body mechanics involved in performing these techniques.
As the student’s skill increases they may begin to train in the second form of 'Pau Chui' or 'Cannon Fist', as it is translated, in order to develop the relaxed, explosive release of strength and power developed in the ‘First Form’; through correct structure and alignment. Consequently, the two forms represent a complete balanced system of hard and soft, fast and slow, and therefore, conforms naturally with the Taoist theory of Yin and Yang.
‘Cannon Fist’ is the application of technique in Chen Style Tai Chi. Normally students need to practise the first form for a considerable number of years before they are prepared for learning this form. Without the training in relaxation, balance and accuracy of the first form, methods trained in ‘Cannon Fist’ will be inaccurate and become muscular, thereby inhibiting the overall development of their Tai Chi.
The syllabus for Chen Tai Chi at the Little Nine Heaven UK school consists of ‘First Form’, sometimes referred to as ‘Long Form’ or ‘Old Frame’. This should not be confused with the modern versions of this form. The moves taught are exactly as Grandmaster Chen Fa-Ke taught to Master Pan and subsequently passed on to Master McNeil and have never been modified. The First Form is a beautiful set of movements; it demonstrates circles in different directions as well as variations in speed. The form is composed of 13 sections and 64 movements.
Alongside the First Form is taught a series of appropriate training exercises, Chi-Kung exercises, self-defence applications, two man single and double push hands drills and standing meditation which, when combined, serve to develop the student to their maximum potential.
How long a student takes to develop and progress to the second form of ‘Cannon Fist’ depends entirely on the time spent in practice and the individual development of the student. This advancement should not be rushed and it is the teacher’s decision as to when the student is ready to progress.
This system is ideally suited for those with an interest initially in the more sedate practices as its movements are generally less vigorous than other systems. However, the forms are complex and take many years to understand. Students who enjoy a challenge and wish to focus on the health aspects of the internal arts will benefit greatly from this system. Chen Tai Chi also has excellent self-defence capabilities for those wishing to study this area of practice.
The regular Chen Tai Chi class suits all ages and levels of experience and it's emphasis is to cultivate chi flow and develop the good health and well-being of the student. However, when appropriate in class, applications and strategies for fighting maybe practised and discussed. Private individual or group lessons can be arranged to cover in greater depth, the application of techniques for fighting purposes if requested. The regular weekly class is taught in a professional but friendly and relaxed environment.
Private lessons covering the Full Chen Tai Chi syllabus can be arranged. Please contact to discuss any queries further
Chen Tai Chi Chuan System Masters Lineage
Grandmaster Chen Fa-Ke
Chen Fa-Ke was 17th Generation Chen family member. His father, Chen Lan Xi, and his great-grandfather, Chen Chang Xieng, were called the famous Tai Chi masters.
Chen Fa-Ke was a big man but gentle and refined, he was very humble whenever he talked about martial arts even though he was a master. In the autumn of 1928 Chen Fa-Ke was invited to Peking. At first he took only a few students privately, but his reputation soon spread, with many asking for his teaching.
Over the years Master Chen reluctantly accepted many famous challenges, but it was his gentleness in using his skill that truly won everyone’s respect.
It was through victory in these challenges that Master Chen brought recognition and legitimacy to the Chen style of Tai Chi. In 1933, Chen Fa Ke was invited to the Chinese national martial arts conference in Nanking, as one of the great masters of the Chinese martial arts community. Chen Fa-Ke was born in 1871 and passed away in 1957, aged 71 years.
Master Pan Wing-Chou
Master Pan Wing-Chou was the portrait of health throughout his life as he continued to perform the original Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan, as taught to him by Master Chen Fa-Ke back in the early 1930's, until his death in 1996.
Master Pan began to learn Tai Chi while attending university in Peking. He was one of a few who learned Chen Style Tai Chi outside of the Chenjiagou village, where Master Chen Fa-Ke lived; Master Chen Fa-ke was hired by a group of people to teach in Peking. It was here that Pan Wing-Chou was introduced to Master Chen at the home of his friend Mr Liou, who belonged to the Henan Association. At that time Master Chen Fa-Ke was living at the Henan Association Headquarters. Mr Liou was teaching Pan Wing-Chou, Wu Style Tai Chi but told him if he really wanted to learn Tai Chi. he should learn from the master himself - Chen Fa-Ke.
In later years, during the communist takeover of mainland China, Master Pan went to Taiwan. He continued to practise exactly as he had been taught, until his death in 1996 and never changed the form as it had been passed to him. Master Pan had many students in Taiwan; his goal was to benefit those interested in Chen Tai Chi through his own studies and experiences. He founded Chen Style Tai Chi Association, Taiwan, and published three volumes of books on Chen style Tai Chi. Master Pan taught ten students in the United States, one of these was James McNeil. Since he began his training in 1982 with Master Pan, Master McNeil has remained faithful to the training he learned from Master Pan.
Master James McNeil
It was at the request of the late honourable Grandmaster Chiao, who was known as a living legend in martial arts for his remarkable skills and abilities that James McNeil was introduced to Master Pan and began his study of Chen Tai Chi as part of his development in the internal arts. Image above is Master McNeil training with Master Pan.
The sets taught today by Master James McNeil and passed on to our school are identical to those taught to him by Master Pan Wing Chou (a direct closed door student of Master Chen Fa-Ke); which came (unchanged) through the generations back to Chen Chang Xieng over 200 years ago.
Testimonials from current Chen Tai Chi Chuan students